Flash to HTML5 Elearning: Costs vs. Benefits

 In Design, E-learning

Adobe Flash reigned almost unchallenged as the elearning media of choice for over more than two decades; its ability to quickly create tweening animations and interactive applications were much valued by instructional and elearning developers. NOT ANYMORE.

You’ve heard it by now and know that Adobe Flash-based elearning is on its way out and HTML5 elearning is the thing of the future.

What does this mean for any learning and development department?

CHALLENGE: Your Elearning Repository has a number of existing elearning titles that may be outdated, technologically.

Flash-based elearning content will not play on all devices and from modern browsers. Why? They require a flash player to play the content and most modern browsers, tablets, and mobile devices will simply not have anything to do with flash player for security reasons.

Your course enrolees will be limited, restricted, and frustrated in their anytime, anywhere access, which is the key reason for having self-paced elearning in the first place. The workplace today incorporates tablets and ipads as functional tools of work; employees being unable to access elearning on these mobile portable devices is frustrating.

You will be forced to maintain legacy hardware and vintage browsers to access these flash-based elearning titles. If your courses don’t play on the updated browsers, they are simply broken and fixing them with vintage technology is not a feasible option for the future.

OPPORTUNITY: Your Inventory of Elearning Course Content is veritable wealth, the proverbial baby that cannot be thrown away with the bath water.

While flash-based courses may be technologically outdated, they most probably harbor great wealth and value in learning content. While Flash to HTML5 elearning conversion costs may seem unasked for, they will help you salvage your learning content wealth. If the Flash to HTML 5 migration is handled systematically, it could indeed help enhancing your learning content wealth.

Best elearning content creation is a notoriously reiterative design process. Your flash-based elearning has almost certainly undergone reiterative reviews of content, interactivity, and usability to become functional. That simply means you are now starting way ahead on elearning design and development curve. Depending on your evaluation of existing course titles, you can optimally choose to republish, redesign, and revamp your elearning inventory.

How to Convert Flash courses to HTML5 Efficiently

How to Reduce Flash-to-HTML5 Conversion Costs

How to Refine your Flash courses in HTML5 Conversions


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